Safe H2O


Our most frequently asked questions.

Got a question about getting your water tank cleaned?

These are our most commonly asked questions.

We don’t want you to either and with the Safe H2O system you won’t have to. We are committed to the environment and believe water is a valuable resource. Our tank cleaning process does not just throw the water away, but purifies it making it safe to drink and recycles it back into your tank.

If you have ever had unexplained diarrhoea, vomiting etc, and put it down to a ‘tummy bug’ or a virus, chances are, you have experienced one of these illnesses due to your water.In some cases prolonged exposure to a pathogen can lead to immunity, however visitors or those in the family who may have compromised immune systems can become very ill.This applies to younger and older people especially.Read our article which explains how often you should get your water tank cleaned.

Tank cleaning and filters work in tandem to ensure you have clean and safe water. Filters do not remove 100% of pathogens and must be maintained and cleaned regularly and according to instructions.
Filters do not remove accumulated sediments in the tanks. These sediments can be a source of microbiological and chemical contamination and cause illness, funny tastes and odours in the water. This sediment builds up and interferes with the effectiveness of your filter. Cleaning your tank regularly allows your filters to work to their optimum and ensures you do not need to change your filters more regularly than you should.

No we don’t and we strongly recommend that no one does. Not only for safety purposes but with concrete tanks, abrasive water blasting and scrubbing of the internal walls breaks down the surface adding to water issues and may lead to leaking tanks.

Our process vacuums the sediment from the tank and then we filter the water to make it safe, returning this to the tank with a small dose of food grade hydrogen peroxide.

This safe and tasteless antibacterial treatment ensures the lines going into your house, that no-one can physically reach, are purged of anything detrimental to your health.

The removal of the sediment is key. This slimy sludge can act as a breeding and feeding ground for bacteria that allows it to multiply at an alarming rate.By removing the sediment and purifying the existing water supply, any further introduction of bacteria is considerably diluted and without a rich feeding supply the bacteria generally stays within safe levels.By following the Department of Health recommendation of annual cleaning of your household tanks, the levels are kept well under control and within healthy guidelines.

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