Safe H2O

How Often Do New Zealand Schools Need to Clean Their Water Tanks?

How Often Do New Zealand Schools Need to Clean Their Water Tanks? Here in NZ, water tank maintenance for schools follow specific guidelines to ensure water quality for both staff and the kids.  Unlike years ago, the old ‘she’ll be right’ attitude won’t meet the water regulations in place. . . . Legal Obligations Under […]

What is Cryptosporidium and How to Keep Your Water Safe


What is Cryptosporidium and How to Keep Your Water Safe What is Cryptosporidium? In simple terms, Cryptosporidium is a tiny parasite that lives in the poop of infected people and animals. It can survive for long periods outside the body, particularly in water sources, so if you have a water tank you need to be […]

Why you should use a Water Tank Cleaning Specialist

Why you should use a Water Tank Cleaning Specialist Well maintained water tanks are the backbone of clean water storage and supply for thousands of homes, schools, marae and businesses here in NZ. But ensuring the water in your tank remains safe and free from nasties requires more than just a basic cleaning. Forget using […]

Guarding Against E. coli: Essential Strategies for Ensuring Safe Water Tank Systems

E coli Prevention in Water Tanks

Guarding Against E. coli: Essential Strategies for Ensuring Safe Water Tank Systems Water tanks are an essential source of clean drinking water for many households across New Zealand.  However, lurking within these tanks, there exists a hidden danger: Escherichia coli, or E. coli bacteria.  Today we’ll look at how E. coli can find its way […]

5 Top Reasons to Keep Your Water Tank Clean in New Zealand

why clean -water tank

5 Top Reasons to Keep Your Water Tank Clean in New Zealand Cleaning your water tanks is something that’s probably not on your to-do list but is important (and often neglected) But here’s the thing – it needs a good clean every now and then. Here are 5 reasons why giving your water tank a […]

Autumn Alert: Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Clean Your Water Tank

Autumn change your water tank filter

Autumn Alert: Why Now is the Perfect Time to Clean Your Water Tank As the autumn leaves are about to fall and winter sets in, it’s the perfect time to shift our focus to essential home maintenance. One often-overlooked aspect is the cleanliness of our water tanks. While it may seem unusual to address this […]

What are my Legal Obligations for water tank cleaning in New Zealand?

legal obligations water tank cleaning

What are my Legal Obligations for water tank cleaning in New Zealand? Taumata Arowai is the new Water Services Regulator for Aotearoa New Zealand which came into force in November 2021.   They are committed to ensuring all communities have access to safe and reliable drinking water every day and also have an oversight role in relation to the environmental performance […]

Top signs your water tank needs cleaning – Don’t ignore these red flags

Does your water tank need cleaning?

Top signs your water tank needs cleaning – Don’t ignore these red flags Your water tank is a vital component of your home’s water supply system. It stores and delivers clean water for various household purposes, from drinking and cooking to bathing and cleaning.   However, over time, water tanks can become contaminated with sediments, […]

How Often Should I Clean My Water Tank in New Zealand?

How Often Should I Clean My Water Tank in New Zealand? If you are one of the thousands of New Zealanders with water tanks on your property, you will want to know how often you should clean your water tank. Here in NZ the Ministry of Health recommends you should clean your water tank once […]

The Risks of Cleaning Your Water Tank with Janola or Household Bleach

The Risks of Cleaning Your Water Tank with Janola or Household Bleach Should you use Janola to clean your water tank? Here at Safe H2O we are often asked if cleaning a water tank is as simple as using Janola or some other household bleach to dose the tank. Maybe you’ve heard from homeowners who […]