Safe H2O

5 Top Reasons to Keep Your Water Tank Clean in New Zealand

Cleaning your water tanks is something that’s probably not on your to-do list but is important (and often neglected)

But here’s the thing – it needs a good clean every now and then. Here are 5 reasons why giving your water tank a clean is  more important than you might think.

Get better water – clean and odourless

Picture this: you’re super thirsty and  reaching for a glass of water straight from the tap. But uh-oh, what’s with that funky smell? Or that weird taste? Not exactly the refreshing experience you were after, eh? Well, that’s where a clean tank comes to the rescue. Keeping it spick and span ensures your drinking water stays  clean and tastes clean.

Get rid of the Health Hazards

Dodgy water is a no-go zone. It’s like an open invite for all sorts of nasties to take up residence in your tank.  Bacteria, algae, you name it. Sipping on contaminated water? That’s just asking for trouble. Regular tank cleaning is your ticket to avoiding those health hiccups and keeping your whanau safe and sound.

Say Yes to Primo Water Quality

Ever noticed your water taking on a dodgy tint or getting a bit murky? That’s a tell tale sign you need to give that tank some TLC. Crystal-clear water isn’t just easy on the eyes – it’s an easy to spot sign of  quality water. Regular cleaning ensures your water stays pristine, odour-free, and perfect for all your daily needs, whether it’s for whipping up a feed or having a soak in the tub.

Stretch Your Water System’s Lifespan

Your water system is kinda like your car in that they both need regular servicing.  So why risk yours by skimping on tank maintenance? Sediment buildup, rust galore, and other nasties can cause trouble for your plumbing setup, leaving you with a hefty bill to foot. Keep your system ticking along like a well-oiled machine by staying on top of tank cleaning.

The Law

Did you know there are specific rules about water tank maintenance in NZ? Yep, even here in NZ, your tank needs to play by the book.  Whether you’re a homeowner, a landlord, or a business owner, keeping your tank clean isn’t just a good move for your health – it’s the law.  Don’t get caught on the wrong side of the rules – read our blog about your legal obligations regarding water tank cleaning in NZ.

Well, there you have it – five rock-solid reasons why showing your water tank some TLC is a total game-changer. From keeping your health in check to sidestepping pricey repairs, regular tank maintenance is a real winner.

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